2024年7月27日(土曜日) 午前10時~午後7時まで営業いたします

Shop Information

Area Map around Hayashiya

Shop Information

Front entrance

Interior of the shop

Entrance for pawn loans and buying

Interior of the shop

Shop Name (company name) Pawnshop Hayashiya (Hayashiya Co., Ltd.)
Business Description Pawnbroking and trading of used items
Address Iidacho 582, Ota City, Gunma, 373-0851
Telephone 0276-30-1178
FAX 0276-30-1175
Business hours AM10:00〜PM7:00
(For various reasons, there could be a temporary holiday or change in opening hours.)
Holidays - Every Wednesday and every second and third Sundays of the month
(Closed on the 4th Sunday in months with 5 Sundays)
- Holiday periods in May (Golden Week), summer, and new year
Parking space Shop front parking space on East side: 7 cars, South side parking space: 1 car
Business license numbers Pawnbroker: No. 421110001500 approved by The Gunma Prefectural Public Safety Commission
Secondhand Articles Dealer: No. 421110223600 approved by The Gunma Prefectural Public Safety Commission
Union Membership Member of The Nationwide Pawnshop Union Alliance Society
Member of The Gunma Pawnshop Union Alliance Society
Member of The Ota Branch of The Gunma Pawnshop Union